Have you experienced a traumatic incident or event in your life that has left you with feelings of extreme anger?
Are you experiencing an ongoing battle to find ways to release or get over this anger that you are feeling about this incident or event?
Holding onto anger may result in you feeling helpless, overwhelmed, and stressed out.
Anger is like a hot coal, which when held onto, will burn and harm you. You need to find a way to let go or release this anger.
Anger is an emotion characterised by antagonism towards someone or something you feel has deliberately done you wrong. Anger can be a good thing. It can give you a way to express negative feelings, for example, or motivate you to find solutions to problems. But excessive anger can cause problems.
I know when I had a home invasion in 2007 where my Husband was shot, and I was held at gunpoint and beaten, I was so angry for such a long time. I was angry that the perpetrators had invaded my safe space, injured us, and got away with it. They caused so much upset and trauma in our family with not a care in the world. I was so angry that they had violated me, and I just wanted retribution. Of course, this is not always possible, and I had to find a way to deal with this anger which was not healthy.
Here are a few anger releasing exercisers that you can try: –
Exercise – any form of exercise even just going for a walk will be sufficient.
Practice controlled breathing – Breath deeply from your diaphragm. Place your hand on your stomach and feel your breath here and not in your chest. Breath in for the count of 4 and out for the count of 4.
Practice progressive muscle relaxation – Focus on tensing and relaxing particular muscle groups in your body, while inhaling deeply and slowly. For example, start with your shoulders, then work down your arms, torso and legs.
Journal – Start a daily journal and write down your frustrations, angers and fears. This helps to get them out. You can verbalise on paper what you would have liked to have said or done. You can even tear these up and destroy them.
Meditation – Meditation not only decreases anxiety and alleviates depression, it also can help you maintain your calm even during upsetting experiences. It can also help you to sleep better.
EFT(Emotional Freedom Techniques) or also known as Tapping is also a very effective way of helping with Anger. Tapping is an emotional version of acupuncture, but instead of using needles, we stimulate the well-established energy meridian points on the body by tapping them with the fingertips. The technique is gentle, and you remain relaxed and fully clothed at all times. This is a skill that you can learn and do for yourself or to help others.
If you are struggling with Anger, I would love to support and show you some self-help skills.
Contact me for a FREE 30-minute call at kim@colmankim.com
I look forward to chatting with you.
