This heading is ringing very true for me right now, and the result for my self-care was not a good one
I have had a very hectic 10 days, with a family member in hospital.
I have been running back and forth to the hospital, as well as trying to continue with my daily responsibilities. When I look back now, I have not been kind to myself, and I could have rescheduled some of my tasks, so as to give myself a little downtime.
I just kept on going, kept busy, and kept taking on tasks. I sit and wonder, WHY couldn’t I just pause and take a break?
Maybe you can identify with this and after giving it some thought, I came up with the following:-
If I stopped being busy it would give me time to think about the situation and that could be scary.
I was worried about my family member and keeping busy kept my mind occupied.
My family member was in pain and discomfort, so how could I rest and have some joy?
If I sat still long enough to think about the situation, I might cry and I was trying to be strong for everyone.
Keeping my body and mind busy meant it took some focus off the problem at hand.
I felt like a hamster on a fast wheel, getting very dizzy with a big headache.
It takes times like this to remind us that it is so important to look after ourselves no matter what is going on around us. If I am “Burning my candle at both ends” I will be frazzled out and no good to anyone, let alone myself.
Taking short “Time Outs” in the day or “Energy Reboots” is essential to one’s health and energy levels. They only have to take 5 minutes of your time.
What can you do to “Time Out” or “Energy Reboot”?
Stand up and do a few stretches
Take a few deep breaths
Do a short meditation
Do a short grounding exercise
Sit in your chair and do some stretches